31 August 2014


Hi Brevet riders,
We are getting a great response to next years brevet - so that is very exciting.
Just a couple of things:
1. Yes we are running Brevette again next year (the smaller 700km brevet) - sorry we were supposed to add that into the last post but forgot.

2. We are currently setting up a new facebook page - once we have this up & running we will let you know so you can 'Like' us & keep up to date with any brevet news.

3. I have had some emails from people who are looking for training buddies for weekend missions, if you are keen to meet like minded brevet riders for training sessions - feel free to email me & I can put you in touch with anyone in your area who has contacted me..

4. Entries will open early Nov (date tbc).

5. Ride...ride...ride...